for Gurevitz L.: Maybe you can use sugar free Koolaid? Or another alternative for it? Just make sure its SUGAR FREE cause you don't want your legs to get all sticky
to be honest, the ties were so cheap... i think you cant really wash them xD but if you did im sure that at least some paint stays in there....
im so happy you guys like them
awesome wanted to do this for a long time... I'll do it at easter xD
uhhmm.. did you wash them after painting them or just rinse? Won't you smell like vinegar? and do they wash out when washing them?
alota questions.. sorry ;)
i loooove this project! thank you so much!
to be honest i dont wear them that often, case the tights i used ar so cheap, they break very easily. but no. mine dindnt fade out. i wouldnt go swimming with them or do sports so you sweat alot, but even if they WOULD wear out on your skin, i think you could wasch away the paint....
@ The Twins
There is egg dye in the UK - I bought some today from ASDA. I'd never seen it before, though. But they were on sale because Easter is over, and I got 8 pellets for 50p. They're called Dr Oetker Egg Decorating Kits.
But I live in Israel, where there is no easter\eggpaint TT_TT
Do you have any idea for what alternative I can use?
tolle idee! ich hab schon ewig solche gesucht, aber ich find s unmöglich wie viel dafür verlangt wird...
du bist meine rettung xD
im übrigen hab ich die gleichen eierfarben ^^
im so happy you guys like them
uhhmm.. did you wash them after painting them or just rinse? Won't you smell like vinegar? and do they wash out when washing them?
alota questions.. sorry ;)
i loooove this project! thank you so much!
There is egg dye in the UK - I bought some today from ASDA. I'd never seen it before, though. But they were on sale because Easter is over, and I got 8 pellets for 50p. They're called Dr Oetker Egg Decorating Kits.