"For the glory of Tortall...."
This started out as just a winter moon figurine inspired by Gentlemanbunny's bunny moons, but it ended up being a figure for the House of Conté and the Mother Goddess from Tamora Pierce's Tortall books (I just finished reading Mastiff.....and now really want to reread the first two Song of the Lioness books). Since the constellation of "the Cat" sits at the foot of "the Goddess", Pounce, or Faithful, is at the base of the moon.
The oven I used only had "250*F" and "350*F" labels, the sword and the areas around it got scorched.....but it's a bit fitting I suppose for the story. The sword also had cracked, but I was able to fix it with blue glitter puffy paint. The base is about the size of a quarter. I still need to paint the cat's eyes.
I love how the crown turned out! I want to make more! Maybe another Conté moon, and a black and red moon for Trebond, or red. gold, and violet with coals instead of pebbles for the Lioness? Or even one with an owl instead of a cat for Mindelan?
Conner W. added House Of Conté Figurine to gift ideas 28 May 01:47
Ammelanoleuca posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
It's inspired by a series of books by Tamora Pierce. On her cafe press store you can see some of the coat-of-arms of her main characters, so that's where the silver crown and sword, along with blue moon and pebbles, came from.
I'll try to make an Alanna inspired moon into a how-to (I'm trying to figure out how to make the pebbles look like coals!)