crochet a cover for your hot bottle, or gift it to a friend or family member
I made this cover out of a washable 50% cotton 50% acrylic yarn, on hook size 5 mm. The size of the bottle is about length 32cm x width 19cm
Key West Witch favorited Hot Water Bottle Cover 21 Aug 07:42
Imke S. favorited Hot Water Bottle Cover 20 Jan 20:19
Karen D. favorited Hot Water Bottle Cover 10 Jan 02:44
Jade M. favorited Hot Water Bottle Cover 14 Jun 05:32
Kriszta I. favorited Hot Water Bottle Cover 05 Feb 09:29
Munnazah C. added Hot Water Bottle Cover to knitting and crotchet! 28 Dec 11:02
Munnazah C. favorited Hot Water Bottle Cover 28 Dec 11:02
cricket fix favorited Hot Water Bottle Cover 05 Dec 04:40
Barbi15ca favorited Hot Water Bottle Cover 22 Nov 14:24
PuddyTat favorited Hot Water Bottle Cover 07 Sep 01:06
You Will Need
Step 2
make 87 rows of single crochet; the complete pattern is made of single crochet (US) stitches
Step 3
start decreasing to make the top of the bottle a little curved: row 88 decreases 3 stitches by making no chain for the height of this row, crocheting together the first two stitches of the row, and two at the end. you now have 27 stitches
Step 4
* row 89: decrease the same way as row 88, you now have 24 stitches
* row 90: decrease 3 stitches, you now have 21 stitches
* row 91: decrease 3 stitches, you now have 18 stitches
* row 92: decrease 3 stitches, you now have 15 stitches
* row 93: decrease 3 stitches, you now have 12 stitches
* row 94 + 95: 12 stitches of single crochet
* row 96: increase by 2 stitches (increase by making 2 single crochet in one stitch), one at the beginning and one at the end. you now have 14 stitches
* row 97: increase 2 stitches, you now have 16 stitches
* row 98: increase 2 stitches, you now have 18 stitches ~ this should match the height and width of the top of the bottle
* row 99-109: rows of 18 stitches to go around the top
* row 110: decrease with 2 stitches, you now have 16 stitches
* row 111: decrease with 2 stitches, you now have 14 stitches
* row 112: decrease with 2 stitches, you now have 12 stitches
* row 113 + 114: 12 stitches
* row 115: increase 3 stitches, you now have 15 stitches
* row 116: increase 3 stitches, you now have 18 stitches
* row 117: increase 3 stitches, you now have 21 stitches
* row 118: increase 3 stitches, you now have 24 stitches
* row 119: increase 3 stitches, you now have 27 stitches
* row 120: increase 3 stitches, you now have 30 stitches
* row 121-138: 30 stitches of single crochet