Horrorgami Haunted House
Extract from Paper Dandy's Horrorgami • By Marc Hagan-Guirey • Published by Laurence KingAbout
Based on Horrorgami Haunted House by Laurence King
This is the 1st project i've sat down and tried and it was fun! I've never done a paper cutting project like this before and always said " i want to, i'll do it so and so..." and put it on the to do pile. I had some cardstock, printed it out on my computer and looked at it for a bit trying to figure out what to cut and what to fold. Use as sharp of an exacto knife as possible for the cleanest cuts. make sure to get really clean cuts into the corners. when i had all of the cuts done, i used my black self healing mat on my desk to double check the edges and straighten anything i'd missed. then, with the dotted lines, i found that if i used an Awl & a Ruler, and scored the dotted lines, the cardstock would fold almost by itself right as I needed it to with only a few minor fiddles. I had a lot of fun with this one, thanks for posting the project!
Twyla A. favorited Horrorgami Haunted House 31 Oct 00:23
Genna B. favorited Horrorgami Haunted House 26 Oct 16:08
Genna B. commented on Horrorgami Haunted House 26 Oct 16:07
Darklysewn published her project Horrorgami Haunted House 17 Oct 08:43
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