Making your own mozzarella is easier than you could imagine!
Not my photo.
Several months ago, I stumbled on a website full of recipes and food photos. From this site, I got it in my head to make my own Mozzarella cheese. A friend came down and yesterday, we did it!
Barjaa B. added Homemade Mozzarella Cheese to Projects To Do 07 Sep 16:08
Step 1
Put the gallon of milk in your large pot and bring it to 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
Step 2
While you're waiting, dissolve 1 1/2 teaspoons Citric Acid in 1/4 cup water.
Also dissolve 1/4 teaspoon rennet in 1/4 cup water.
Step 3
When milk reaches 55 degrees Fahrenheit, stir in the Citric Acid water.
Step 4
Bring milk to 88 degrees Fahrenheit.
Step 5
Add rennet-water.
Step 6
When the milk reaches 100 degrees Fahrenheit, you should be getting curds and whey.
(I squee'd all over the place when this happened)
I left mine over the heat a little longer.
Step 7
Line a microwave-safe bowl with cheesecloth. Scoop the curds out of the whey and onto the cloth.
Step 8
Lift the cloth with the curds up and discard the whey. Dump curds from cloth into bowl.
Step 9
Microwave for 35 seconds. Squeeze out the whey and discard it.
Doing this was a little complicated for me. I used the cheesecloth again, and to do that I had to dump the curds onto the cloth and somehow get the bowl off of the whole thing (I didn't want a mess on the counter). Luckily, my friend was there to help.
Step 10
Microwave again for 35 seconds. Squeeze out the whey and discard it (again).
BE CAREFUL! The curds will be very hot! I burned both of my palms with this one.
Step 11
Kneed the curds (I guess that now they curds are cheese, though), adding a slightly generous amount of salt. When your lump of cheese is smooth and shiny, you've succeeded!
Step 12
Put your lump of cheese in a bowl of ice water in the refrigerator for a little bit so it can chill. After that, store it in a plastic container in the 'fridge.
It is easier than it looks!