A cheap, quick, easy and fabulous eyeshadow primer!!
This is just a really quick method on how to make an eyeshadow primer. This will help your eyeshadow stick to your eyelids better and help it stay on all day, make your eyeshadow bolder and brighter and help it stay on all day!! The Urban Decay and Too Faced primer potions are so expensive, this is a cheaper option. Also you will need something to stir it all up with, i used a bobby pin that was misshappen, but you could use a matchstick. This is a really quick How-To, it's so easy it doesnt really need one!!
autumnrose.lee favorited Homemade Eyeshadow Primer! 11 Mar 12:30
autumn rose l. favorited Homemade Eyeshadow Primer! 13 Aug 22:09
Kaitlin C. added Homemade Eyeshadow Primer! to Good Ideas 07 Nov 01:39
v b. added Homemade Eyeshadow Primer! to MakeUp 27 May 03:26
Cassanndra M. commented on Homemade Eyeshadow Primer! 07 May 21:34
AnnaLai added Homemade Eyeshadow Primer! to DIY MAKEUP 12 Feb 04:54
katthecat favorited Homemade Eyeshadow Primer! 17 Jan 20:24
NeuroticMushroom favorited Homemade Eyeshadow Primer! 23 Dec 12:12
ModernXDayXVaudevillian favorited Homemade Eyeshadow Primer! 23 Oct 09:31
Monkey_McGee favorited Homemade Eyeshadow Primer! 10 Oct 04:36
Step 1
Basically just squirt in the same amount of liquid foundation/concealer and moisturiser and stir. Add more foundation to make it darker, more moisturiser to lighten it up. This also works well as a tinted moisturiser, if you make it in a bigger quantity. Keep adding to it until you have the consistency and amount that you need. :) Rub a tiny bit onto your eyelid and up to brow bone and leave to dry before applying eyeshadow. My eyeshadow stayed on noticably longer after using this!! Great if your short on money (like me :D)
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