Have chai lattes at home!
An easy way to make a chai tea concentrate to make chai lattes, hot and frothy or poured over ice.
Missi M. added Homemade Chai Latte to Food 19 Dec 21:01
Angela I. favorited Homemade Chai Latte 30 Nov 01:36
Suzi T. favorited Homemade Chai Latte 08 Nov 18:52
Risa.Hanae (JapZilla) favorited Homemade Chai Latte 05 Nov 19:38
BlackCherry favorited Homemade Chai Latte 11 Oct 20:07
Amber I. published her project Homemade Chai Latte 12 May 19:41
Step 1
Open all the tea bags and cut the strings off. Depending on what brand you get (I prefer Tazo Organic Chai for its flavour, but there's no need to be picky), you may find some of the bags will fall apart. This is okay, as you will be straining it afterwards anyway. Put the tea bags in a large pot with your water and heat to a boil. Stir occasionally. Reduce heat and simmer.
Step 2
Add your sugar while the mixture is still hot, and stir until fully dissolved. Turn heat off and let stand for one hour. You may wish not to use a full cup of sugar, I prefer 3/4 sometimes. I'm not sure if you can use sugar substitutes but you can always give it a whirl!
Step 3
Strain your tea concentrate into a jug or new pot with a fine mesh sieve. You may have to strain it more than once to get all the left over spices out of your liquid. Although, it is fine to have some left over. Store in refrigerator.
Step 4
To Make Chai Latte:
Combine equal parts milk and chai concentrate together, usually 1/2 cup each. Heat over the stove, steam if you have the correct tool, or my personal favourite, pour over ice. Enjoy!