Cute handmade ornaments
Very easy! All you do is go to Hobby Lobby and get the clear ornaments. Roll up little strips of paper on a pencil. Push through top of ornament. Add some cute little embellishments and a ribbon. I also used some rub ons on some of them. Super cute and I sold out of them!!
Joanne B. added Holiday Ornaments to Xmas Ornaments 2012 04 Nov 23:35
You Will Need
Breezy posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

serai s.
Amazing how things like this can stare you in the face and you never realise them. Inspired!!!1

michelle G.
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA
1258 projects
very cute

Tofu Kitty
Ottawa, Ontario, CA
14 projects
Very cute! I love them