funky and useful!
DesignDiva favorited Holiday Money Purses 14 Jul 05:35
You Will Need
Step 3
Cut out an 8 cm square piece of bondaweb and iron it to the wrong side of one of the fabric B squares. Draw out the currency symbol for wherever you are going on holiday onto the bondaweb square. REMEMBER TO DRAW IT IN REVERSE! We are going to Ireland so we picked the Euro symbol. Cut out the symbol.
Step 7
On the back of the inner piece of fabric A mark a line from edge to edge about 3 cm down from the point. This will give you start and finish points for sewing the purse together and mean that you finish evenly on both sides. (Apologies for different fabric, was making 3 purses at once and photographed a bit out of order!)
Step 8
Pin together the pieces as follows:
- Outer piece of fabric A RIGHT SIDE UP
- Stitched together squares of fabric B RIGHT SIDES OUT
- Inner piece of fabric A WRONG SIDE UPStitch together 0.5cm from the edge. Start to stitch at the line that has been drawn 3 cm from the edge. Go all the way around and finish back at the line on the other side. Back stitch at beginning, end and as you start to sew over fabric B.