Perfect dress for a party, dance, or special wintry occasion!
So I forgot all my formal dresses at home when my friend asked me to go to his fraternity's formal-- so I needed to come up with something to wear. I went to Goodwill one Sunday morning and this red dress was squeezed between a bunch of frumpy smocks. For the black flowers I bought this extra-large size 20 velveteen dress and cut it up and glued the flowers to the dress.
pam r. favorited Holiday Dress With Rosettes 14 Oct 16:31
You Will Need
Step 3
Next you need to take your strips and your circles and make the rosettes. Starting in the middle of the circle base, you need to start sewing around in a swirl. Keep sewing around and around until you get to the outside of the base. The thicker your strip of fabric, the smaller amount of times that you will need to go around the circle.
Play with it! Many of my flowerettes are trial-and-error. :)
![Jane C.](https://images.coplusk.net/users/15131/avatar/normal_square_avatar.jpg)
![Gaby F.](https://images.coplusk.net/users/15744/avatar/normal_square_l_b89e6dc08844404799232f1d71009749_1237157950.jpg)