The Prettiest Holiday Toilet Paper Roll Holder Ever!
I really needed a place to stash those extra bath tissue rolls for the holidays, so I decided to make one. I'll show you how I constructed the perfect-sized box from scratch (it's easy!) from a single foamcore board and decorated it to coordinate with my own bathroom space.
Deb E. favorited Holiday Bath Tissue Holder 22 Dec 02:59
- Justine L. favorited Holiday Bath Tissue Holder 18 Dec 17:23
Crafterella featured Holiday Bath Tissue Holder 08 Dec 23:00
Southern Mom Loves published her project Holiday Bath Tissue Holder 03 Dec 22:45
Step 1
First, I measured 4 rolls of my chosen TP to make sure I made the perfect-sized box (and my guests won't run out!) My measurements for the box walls (width, depth, height) are 5-1/2"x 5-1/2"x 16-1/2".
If you imagine the box walls laid out flat, you will see 4 tall rectangles in a row. Each of these rectangles needs to be 5-1/2" wide by 16-1/2" tall.
Step 2
1. Start in the bottom corner of the foamcore board and make marks along the long side every 5-1/2" until you mark out 4 panels. Measure up along the short sides 16-1/2" and mark. Put your long ruler at the top of the two 16-1/2" marks (making sure they're squared off and accurate) and make your top 5-1/2" panel marks.
2. Connect the dots and you will now have 4 panels drawn out on your foamcore board.
3 & 4. Using the box cutter and a long ruler, cut out the large rectangle shape.
5. Use the box cutter and a long ruler to score along the 3 vertical lines about halfway through the foamcore. (ONLY CUT THROUGH THE TOP LAYER, NOT ALL OF THE WAY THROUGH!)
6. Apply pressure to the score lines to snap them. You will now have a large rectangle with 3 hinges, giving you 4 sides of a box.
7 & 8. Use duct tape to attach the open sides to each other, and then along the other hinges to help reinforce them. -
Step 7
1. Measure and mark the 4 panels of the lid sides (just like we did for the box sides) onto the long piece of the remaining foamcore board.
2. Cut it out with the box cutter, then score the panels just as we did before.
3. Tape it together with the duct tape and reinforce all 4 hinges with tape.
4. It should fit over the box snugly. -
Step 13
1. Cut your wrapping paper to fit and position one edge along the open top of the box.
2. Tape (or glue) down the seam along the center of a panel. We can cover the seam up with our ribbon later.
3. Leave a 1/2" overhang around the bottom of the box and clip into all 4 corners of the paper.
4. Tape (or glue) each side of the overhang down, overlapping them as you go. -
Step 14
1. Cut your wrapping paper square to fit around the lid sides so that they overlap about 1/2" to the inside of the lid.
2. Wrap 2 sides in and clip at the corners to bring the paper to the inside. Tape or glue down.
3. Fold the remaining 2 edges in like you would normally finish the sides of a gift.
4 & 5. Tape (or glue) those sides and bring them into the inside of the box, securing the ends.
6. You now have a fully papered lid!