A cool box that tells about you!!
Make something special for that someone special, be it a parent, sibling or friend. A personalized hobby box, decorated or filled with little treasures, is sure to fit the bill.
What you'll need
Wooden boxes (sold at craft stores)
Fine-grain sandpaper
Latex wood primer
Acrylic paints and paintbrushes
Acrylic varnish
Hot glue gun
Assorted items, such as costume jewelry, foreign coins, or golf tees
How to make it
To prepare the box for painting, lightly sand the wood and then brush a coat of primer on all its surfaces. Once the sealer dries, lightly sand the box once more.
Paint the box. This will have to be done in stages (the inside first, the bottom next, and the top and sides last), allowing the paint to dry each time.
To paint multicolored stripes, as shown on the pencil box, apply strips of Easy Mask KleenEdge tape (sold in most craft or paint stores) in a parallel pattern and paint between them. When the paint dries, remove the tape (it won't peel off the paint), tape over the freshly painted areas and paint new stripes between them. Once the paint dries, apply a coat of acrylic varnish to protect and enhance the colors and let it dry completely.
Next, glue a felt liner to the inside of the box. Then glue decorative items that reflect the recipient's interests onto the top. With items that are hard to stick, try gluing bits of felt to the bottoms and then gluing the felt to the box
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Leia B. favorited Hobby Boxes 03 Dec 06:04
nina.b added Hobby Boxes to Interesting 08 Nov 11:39
jennifer f. favorited Hobby Boxes 11 Mar 18:22
gfordiani favorited Hobby Boxes 20 Jan 05:38
Mochi Mochi favorited Hobby Boxes 19 Jan 01:59
Kinhime Dragon favorited Hobby Boxes 16 Jan 23:09
Ichigo M. favorited Hobby Boxes 13 Jan 23:13
Angelic M. favorited Hobby Boxes 11 Jan 18:24
- Josaurus20 added Hobby Boxes to To make 11 Jan 07:52
jordan.bee1 posted this project as a creation without steps
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