I have no idea about the actual dimensions, I made it to my body and to the items it was supposed to hold. So basically make it up It should be custom or it'll look wrong (for example I have LARGE hips, so for a smaller person that would look wrong, just as if you are larger it would look too small for your waist.) :3
This is sooo adorible I always wanted one to be my own personal purse, but I have one question, what are the dimensions of the box? I want it to be just right for my stuff, and knowing them would be great.
I went to this years london expo in may! i saw loads of Amu cosplayers but none had extras like this! These type of things just finish the cosplay off making it look spectacular, this bag is gorgeous!!
Angel Y. :
It doesn't have a name >_< its just the hadleigh dress making shop or something, its just a little independent shop, so it won't have a web site or anything DX, but you can get this sort of stuff anywhere, its pretty common.
I made up the design on a computer program from what I could gather from the anime. You could quite easily edit the picture on that step or use white fabric paint to copy it.
OMG! <3
This is too amazing!
I loooOOoove Shugo Chara~ <3
I wanted to cosplay as Amu last convention,
but I was afraid that I would look terrible with pink hair. D:
Cuuute purse though. ;3
Where did you get the fabric?
Please Reply Back
awesome bag btw
P.S to everyone who watches shugo chara the new series is out on the 20th auguhst but not on crunchyroll
P.P.S I heart tadase
The eggs are just decoration, since this is a cosplay item.
It doesn't have a name >_< its just the hadleigh dress making shop or something, its just a little independent shop, so it won't have a web site or anything DX, but you can get this sort of stuff anywhere, its pretty common.
Woahh, can you tell me the name of the shop? lol
I didn't buy them offline. I literally walked down the road from my house and got them at a little dress making shop.
And thank you for the kind comments ^^
What box did you use? Did you have to add the front "flap" bit?
That's okay! Thanks anyway! Thanks for everything too! ^^
If it was okay with you can you send me the the pattern you used for the heart and crown design... ^^
It's okay if you say no ^^;
Ah I think this is the only way to reply ^^' unless I'm missing a trick.
And you're welcome :3
Okay! Thanks!
Sorry I submitted my reply like this I'm still confused on how to reply... ^^;
I printed it on my home printer
If I may ask where can you print the heart and crown design....
This is too amazing!
I loooOOoove Shugo Chara~ <3
I wanted to cosplay as Amu last convention,
but I was afraid that I would look terrible with pink hair. D:
Cuuute purse though. ;3
sooo cute ^^
it looks so good
i'm gonna try this and take it to school
Amu is one of my favorite anime characters.
And I'm glad people like it ^^
I love the secret compartment :o!
So awesome!
Do you think you could do a how to? :3!