A hanging mobile with glow-in-the-dark parts to entertain you!
I saw a himmeli structure when I was looking at pinterest.com and wanted to make one. Another mobile caught my eye (http://gotclawz1.deviantart.com/art/Origami-Mobile-3-124599235?qj=3&q=sort%3Atime+favby%3Acl2007&qo=769&offset=0#comments) so I decided to combine them and make this project. Instead of straws for the himmeli, I used rolled up book pages.
P.S. Sorry; the picture makes the mobile blend into the wall.
chang.shai added Himmeli Mobile to Arts and Craft 07 Oct 05:11
Brittany Z. favorited Himmeli Mobile 23 Sep 00:46
cattus added Himmeli Mobile to paper art/oragami 14 Sep 21:17
Twilight <3 favorited Himmeli Mobile 18 Aug 11:58
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