High Waisted Skirt
I made this from some Urban Outfitters fabric i had lying around...i didn't use a pattern i kinda just winged it...HOPE U GUYZ LIKE IT. =] Let me know what you guyz think.
Hannah S. favorited High Waisted Skirt 11 Oct 03:47
You Will Need
M.a.r.i.s.o.l. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
3 projects
fabulous! tutorial? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee???

edie d.
New York, New York, US
41 projects
Ooooh, lovely fabric choice! You did a fab job designing that sweetie skirt.

laxmi n.
this is amazing....i would buy this is a second

laxmi n.
this is amazing....i would buy this is a second

Nederland, Colorado, US
15 projects
nice! looks good on you. i like the pattern combined with the high waist. good job