its totally righteous man
Again with the crappy webcam photos! I know! I swear I'll do better ones.
Anyways, this was the first time that I did henna tattoos. My mom bought me a cone of henna at an "idian grocery" store nearby my house. I found the tip pretty difficult to work with, however I found towards the end of making the design that there are certain ways to hold it and techniques you need to master or something. Oh well.
This took about 4 hours for me to do. Probably would take much faster for others. I used this video as a guide (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVms9lmQGzM&feature=related). I screwed up a few times and the design wrapped around my wrist, but I'm pretty satisfied. I've got some pretty high expectations of myself, so I feel like I could do better. But first time for everything, right?
First few images are before the henna washed out.
I don't know much about henna, but this was totally fun to do.
Sandra C. added Henna Tattoo! to Maquillage 06 Dec 20:42
You Will Need
mew posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!