Cute hello kitty luggage!
Sinse I'm off for xmas with my folks for a week I suddenly realised I need luggage so off I went to the op shop to find the ugliest cheapest luggage on wheels that I could find, I covered it in toy fur and added a hello kitty patch, not being one who's easily able to stop at plain I then made some kitty ears to attach and added a kitty charm to the zip, so much cuter now, except for the back and underneath which are still navy blue!!, if you're going to try this yourself I wouldn't recommend using anything but fur because it's hard to do a really neat job and the fur hides messy stitching and uneven parts ;)
PimpKitten added Hello Kitty Luggage to Do Eeeet 26 Jun 00:52
Crystal M. favorited Hello Kitty Luggage 23 Mar 11:14
Moonlight favorited Hello Kitty Luggage 09 Jan 01:21
Sarah W. favorited Hello Kitty Luggage 08 Jan 15:28
Plicka entered her project Hello Kitty Luggage to Secret Santa 08 Jan 00:36
Plicka replied to a comment on her project Hello Kitty Luggage 28 Dec 06:52
SilverSnake S. favorited Hello Kitty Luggage 23 Dec 17:49
Boo_its_Brittany commented on Hello Kitty Luggage 23 Dec 06:21
Georgia favorited Hello Kitty Luggage 21 Dec 23:12
heather r. favorited Hello Kitty Luggage 18 Dec 20:51
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