Introducing My Chemical Romance's HELENA!
Every since I saw the music video for My Chemical Romance's Helena, I became obsessed with Helena and her lovely dress!!
This is my version.. The corset-style bodice is made from a pattern (except for the tulle at the top), but the skirt piece is my own design!
The boric and the skirt are attached by the red satin band using velcro.
Summer O. favorited Helena Cosplay 19 May 21:59
Kriskat posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Reading, England, GB
212 projects
Love Helena! and Love MCR too, your idea of cosplaying her is awesome xx

San Francisco, California, US
20 projects
MCR is my FAVORITE band
I'm going to wear this to work for halloween too

Reading, England, GB
212 projects
Awesome idea, maybe you can learn the ballet that she does too and do a performance! (haha just kidding, that's probably a little too hard lol). It's a shame that the band broke up D;

San Francisco, California, US
20 projects
I do have the makeup, bouquet, ballet shoes and veil to go with it
but yeah i can't dance LOL. and I was sooooo sad when they disbanded
maybe they will see my version!

Reading, England, GB
212 projects
Lol I can't dance either xD or act, so I don't do cosplays much. Was that meant to be a pun? dis-BAND-ed? perhaps not but it was funny anyway haha