Small,Sweet & Simple-The HeartFelt KeyRing
Sometimes it`s hard to know how to express yourself when you like someone or just want to show your appreciation-make this little heart, which will say so much more than words!
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Manayin favorited Heartfelt Key Ring 05 Apr 10:45
You Will Need
Step 1
Use the templates, trace around them on baking paper, cut out and pin on the felt. Cut out the largest sized heart in red felt with a regular scissors, the medium size in white felt but use the pinking shears this time, and finally cut the smallest one in blue felt with the use of the regular scissors again.
Step 3
Place the two gingham ribbons(red and blue) 10cm each-one on top of the other, fold over into a loop and place on the red heart as you can see on the picture. Place the white heart on top of the ribbons and attach with white thread in your sewing machine. Start at the top, to secure the ribbons first. Trim all the loose thread ends and put aside.