Quick, reversible pin cushion
Instructions to make a quick heart-shaped pin cushion:
1) Make a heart-shaped template
2) Pin template to material and draw around
3) Cut heart shape out of material approx 5mm larger than template.
4) Repeat with another square of material - I used material with two different patterns.
5) Pin heart shapes with front sides of material together.
6) Sew using back-stich around the drawn on line leaving a gap of about 3-4cms along one of the straight edges to stuff the cushion.
7) Turn the heart the right way in through the gap.
8) Stuff with scraps of material or wadding. I used cut up old (clean ;-)) socks.
9) Sew up the gap keeping the edges inside
10) Stick pins in it!
Key West Witch favorited Heart Shaped Pin Cushion 27 Jun 13:58
You Will Need
Step 1
Stick pins in it!