Heart shape paper basket
This cute container makes a charming holder for Valentine's Treat.
Alissa B. favorited Heart Shaped Paper Basket 14 Feb 19:03
Step 1
Cut a 3" by 11" strip of paper from a piece of colored card stock. Fold the strip in half, so that it measures 3" by 5 1/2". Repeat this step with a second color of card stock.
Lay one piece of folded card stock on the table in front of you so the fold is to your left. Lay the other folded piece of card stock on top of it at right angles, so the second card's fold is facing you. Mark a light pencil line on the bottom card along the right-hand edge of the top card (see photo).
Flip the whole thing over and mark the new bottom card along the new top card's right-hand edge in the same way.
Step 2
Separate the cards and draw two pencil lines on each card lengthwise (on the side that already has the horizontal line you made in the previous), to divide it into three equal 1" by 5" strips. Starting at the fold, cut along these markings up to the horizontal line that you drew in the previous step.
Step 4
Mark one arch-topped card's three strips from left to right with the letters A, B and C, and the other card's three strips with the numbers 1, 2 and 3, also reading from left to right.
With your A-B-C card in your left hand and 1-2-3 card in your right, weave strip 1 between the two layers of strip C. Then insert strip B between the layers of strip 1. Finally, slip strip 1 through strip A and slide strip 1 up the A-B-C card toward the horizontal line.
Continue weaving with strip 2: First, weave strip C through strip 2, then weave 2 through B. Next, weave strip A through strip 2.
With the last strip, 3, the weaving will be tight, and you may have to bend the paper a bit to make it work. If strip 3 simply won’t fit through, you can lengthen the slits beyond the horizontal line a little bit with a utility knife. Then weave strip 3 through strip C, strip B into strip 3 and finally strip 3 through strip A.