Elbow heart patches to update an old cardigans
So after seeing an amazing how to over at A beautiful Mess, which just so happens to me my new all time favourite blog, it's a daily addiction I could stay on it all day! I decided to try my hand at a D.I.Y heart elbow patch, mine is a little different that's why I wanted to post this for theirs click here. I think I will use their one on a different cardigan or jumper soon, as I do love the patterned fabric look too. They also have one for heart print jeans. Again like my other D.I.Y project, I had all these things and am trying to use what I have and make do and mend.
Key West Witch favorited Heart Patches 12 Sep 09:13
WindStrider favorited Heart Patches 21 Apr 19:22
Step 3
Pin your heart over your chalk mark, try on the cardigan again just to double check it sits in the right place. When your happy you can than start sewing it down, you could glue it but I prefer to sew it in case I want to change it at some point. Like I said I used embroidery thread as I just prefer the look, it's always nice around the edges if you are using felt.