Make Your Own Potter Prequel Book!
J.K. Rowling wrote an 800 word prequel of the Harry Potter series that was sold at auction for charity. She also wrote fairy tales from the series that were also sold at auction for charity. The covers for the fairy tales were hand made and very beautiful this is what I have tried to re-create using the prequel.
You can read the prequel here: http://www.waterstoneswys.com/
and a typed version here:
I think I may write my own versions of the fairy tales in the Deathly Hallows and make another book.
Thanks to all who have posted book making how-tos and mugglenet.com.
(I've painted over and redone some of it still not happy with the front and spine but no more paint left!)
Conner W. added Harry Potter Prequel! to book crafts 11 Jul 00:43
Conner W. favorited Harry Potter Prequel! 11 Jul 00:43
lucy.w.collard favorited Harry Potter Prequel! 03 Feb 23:53
Kris L. favorited Harry Potter Prequel! 29 Nov 17:46
Nankita favorited Harry Potter Prequel! 04 Nov 23:30
Marica C. favorited Harry Potter Prequel! 20 Jul 10:55
Annika G. favorited Harry Potter Prequel! 16 Nov 15:03
Hannah S. favorited Harry Potter Prequel! 10 Oct 05:45
Step 9
Stick the long rectangle to the two peices of paper (now acting as one peice of paper). Stick the ends of the paper onto the front of the covers. Then stick the horizontal peices of paper on the front, these will cover the peices up completely.
Step 10
Decorate however you like.
I used gouache paint.
The writing on the spine went a bit wrong, not long enough but o well!
I tried to add a strap onto the book and stupidly used a water based glue which didnt stick very well or stay on and it's now ruined both edges of the book but I can paint over it so no worries! Any mistakes can be painted over and re-done :)Warning: gel pen smudges, if you are using acrylic paint buy a coloured pen with the noisy ball thing inside, the strong smelling stuff that it perminant!
anyway, where are the fairy tales, or are these the same as the (relatively) new book?
anyway, where are the fairy tales, or are these the same as the (relatively) new book?