Admire Your Heart From Afar.
I saw something like these at a craft fair recently and was instantly drawn to their cuteness. Along with t he fibre filling they were stuffed with some substance which made them smell nice.
But as usual I also decided they where to simple to spend £6.50 on, and that I could make funkier ones myself for free! The hearts I saw where 'advertised' as nice 'things' to hang in babies cots ... or whatever. I think they look cool on door and window handles. I know what my friends shall be receiving for Christmas presents. And I'm gunna make a xmas tree shaped one for our tree!. x
Key West Witch favorited Hanging Heart 07 May 16:34
Key West Witch added Hanging Heart to Crafts General 21 Mar 00:40
Rebecca M. favorited Hanging Heart 10 Jun 17:17
Bethysaurs favorited Hanging Heart 14 Dec 19:53
Kelly D. favorited Hanging Heart 28 Oct 15:54
Kelly D. added Hanging Heart to Christmas prezzies 28 Oct 14:49
Step 4
The ribbon - this is the important part.
Cut it the right length adding 2/3 cm’s extra. Lay the ribbon on the nice side of a piece of fabric.
Put the extra length of ribbon over this edge of the fabric - this will anchor it inside.
Also try and get the ribbon as straight as you can.
Tip: For a heart shape, make sure the ribbon is in the centre on the 'v' otherwise when you turn it inside out it won’t hang right.