Hanging Embroidery Hoop “Lanterns”
Extract from Crafting a Colorful Home • By Kristin Nicholas • Published by Roost BooksAbout
Crafting a Colorful Home
For many years, I had brightly colored Chinese paper lanterns hanging over the porch table to create a festive atmosphere. They finally shredded and disintegrated, so I replaced them with homemade “lanterns” made out of my cherished ethnic fabric remnants. These hanging lanterns would also make great outdoor decorations. Use little Christmas tree lights to illuminate them if you have electricity handy.
Key West Witch favorited Hanging Embroidery Hoop “Lanterns” 26 Jun 09:12
Ms Dorito added Hanging Embroidery Hoop “Lanterns” to sew craft 12 Jun 19:12
Siovhan favorited Hanging Embroidery Hoop “Lanterns” 29 Aug 22:24
HylianWriter534 favorited Hanging Embroidery Hoop “Lanterns” 06 Feb 02:47
tyler t. added Hanging Embroidery Hoop “Lanterns” to the list 17 Apr 10:21
Cindy M. favorited Hanging Embroidery Hoop “Lanterns” 21 Nov 04:08
Kat P. favorited Hanging Embroidery Hoop “Lanterns” 09 Jul 06:50
lsylvia88 added Hanging Embroidery Hoop “Lanterns” to Boho 08 Jul 23:03
Simmy favorited Hanging Embroidery Hoop “Lanterns” 22 Jun 06:14
Rachel T. added Hanging Embroidery Hoop “Lanterns” to DIY the Room 10 May 01:32
Step 1
Measure the outside circumference of the inner ring of the embroidery hoop.
Step 2
Cut a piece of fabric with one edge the same size as the circumference plus 1 inch and the other edge as long as you want the lantern. I made many lengths from 8 to 12 inches long.
Step 3
Fold the fabric in half with the wrong side out, aligning the lengthwise edges. Sew a seam ½ inch from the edge to make a fabric tube. Turn the fabric tube right side out and press.
Step 4
Using craft glue and brush, paint some glue around the outer edge of the inner hoop.
Step 5
Stretch the seamed fabric tube around the hoop, lining it up so that the fabric edge is flush with one edge of the hoop. Place the outer piece of the hoop over the fabric and tighten it.
Step 6
Repeat for the bottom hoop, rotating the screw fastener 180 degrees opposite the top one so that it will balance the weight.
Step 7
Make a “handle” for the lantern. Thread a needle with a 36-inch length of thread. Double the thread and knot it. Stitch the thread to one side of the top of the lantern, then to the opposite side.