Handmade jewelry necklace pendants for women
Need to add something special to your outfits? You can make a change by creating this handmade jewelry necklace. This post is exactly about making creative necklace pendants for women.
dani.in.chains favorited Handmade Jewelry Necklace Pendants For Women 12 Oct 04:06
Iris E. favorited Handmade Jewelry Necklace Pendants For Women 15 Aug 06:51
Elizabeth S. favorited Handmade Jewelry Necklace Pendants For Women 05 Aug 23:50
Libby W. added Handmade Jewelry Necklace Pendants For Women to Gift ideas for Mum 05 Aug 12:21
Libby W. added Handmade Jewelry Necklace Pendants For Women to Gift ideas for Kayleigh 05 Aug 12:21
Hannah J. favorited Handmade Jewelry Necklace Pendants For Women 02 Aug 15:52
Ti7a favorited Handmade Jewelry Necklace Pendants For Women 01 Aug 15:44
Libby W. favorited Handmade Jewelry Necklace Pendants For Women 01 Aug 12:11
Step 2
Step 1: create each necessary component
1. Tassel
Take 5 stripes of suede cord, each 10cm long. Fold in half as picture shows.
Overlap the 5 pieces and hold them in place 2cm from the folded location.
Cut a long brass wire piece and pass it through the loop at the top.
Take the left tip to the right side. Leave a short segment to form a loop.
Twist the two wire ends twice, and then wrap the excess tails around the folded locations.
Tuck the sharp tips of the wire in the coils and this is your tassel.
Step 3
2. Decorative Wire Wrapped Bead
Take another fairly long piece of brass wire and a lava bead of your choice.
Pinch the bead with fingers and thread the wire through its hole.
Gather the two ends on the right side, twist one or two times.
Start to wrap the wire ends around the bead.
The pattern may depend on your preference. Each time change the direction and anchor the coils firmly.