Handcrafted jewellery project- hemp bracelet patterns without beads
This attractive handcrafted jewelry idea is about making a DIY hemp bracelet patterns without beads, which feature cute tiny pendants and alternating colors.
Amirah T. favorited Handcrafted Jewellery Project Hemp Bracelet Patterns Without Beads 18 Nov 14:18
tyler t. favorited Handcrafted Jewellery Project Hemp Bracelet Patterns Without Beads 10 Jul 05:55
Lauren E. favorited Handcrafted Jewellery Project Hemp Bracelet Patterns Without Beads 23 Jul 12:05
You Will Need
Step 2
Step 1: Braid over apple toggle
1st, snip 3 pieces of nylon threads, in aqua, yellow and pink that each measure 1m long;
2nd, slide them over the apple toggle, fold them in half and start to do half hitch knots with the pink thread;
3rd, after making 15 or so half hitches, alternate aqua, then yellow and repeat;
4th, do a total of 6 alternating colors. We suggest doing this order: pink, yellow, aqua, pink, yellow and aqua. After doing the six, half of the length of the bracelet is done.
Step 3
Step 2: Finish the braiding
1st, snip another 3 pieces of nylon threads as in previous step;
2nd, start with aqua color and make the other half of half hitch knot braiding;
3rd, tie overhand knots on both ends of bracelet;
4th, trim off extra threads at both sides, and don’t forget to leave short lengths as tassels;
5th, attach teapot pendant to toggle by jump ring.