My hand-y pincushion (with pattern and tute)
This is my hand-y pincushion. When I am sewing at the machine, I am focused, and just don't want to take the time to poke pins into tiny pincushions. I made this pincushion larger so it is easy to just jab or grab and keep sewing!
I used a very soft lightweight faux suede, but really you could use any fabric of your liking (if you are into something a bit creepy, using a flesh-colour fabric for the hand, and a blood red fabric for the bottom "open" end would be fun). You can download the PDF pattern file here: http://www.mediafire.com/?eja2jmmhmmf
Key West Witch favorited Hand-y Pincushion 28 Jun 17:51
You Will Need
Step 1
Trace the pattern onto freezer paper and iron onto your fabric. Cut 2 of the hand and one of the end piece. Make sure right sides are facing, and it is time to sew!
Step 2
Sew all around hand leaving bottom open. Sew end piece to half of wrist area leaving it open, and turn right sides out. Sew a line down from either side of the middle finger so that each of the 3 fingers is defined (do not do this before turning!).
Step 3
Stuff hand firmly with polyfil, using screwdriver or pen to get stuffing into the fingers and thumb.Ladder-stitch the end piece closed.You now have a hand pincushion that you can leave plain or decorate as you choose!