Turn a water bottle into a candy holder
As part of our build up to Halloween we just knew we had to have an upcycled Halloween candy holder. We played around with a used plastic bottle and this Frankenstein candy holder emerged. This was a super fun upcycle to make and has gotten us even more excited about Halloween! Read on to find out how to make your own Halloween candy holder.
marie w. added Halloween Candy Holder to Halloween 19 Sep 09:41
PienderZ added Halloween Candy Holder to Halloween 19 Jan 20:01
Zombie Babe favorited Halloween Candy Holder 12 Nov 07:28
holly.magleby.3 added Halloween Candy Holder to Halloween fun 28 Oct 23:56
Danielle C. favorited Halloween Candy Holder 27 Oct 17:34
Minimax favorited Halloween Candy Holder 21 Oct 19:38
judyrom published her project Halloween Candy Holder 29 Jul 04:34
Step 1
The first thing you’ll need to do is prep your plastic bottle. First sketch the rough outline of your Frankenstein’s mouth and where his eyes and bolts will go. When you’re happy with this, use your exacto knife to cut the mouth out. Then paint your bottle and champagne corks. We used acrylic paint, although spray paint would work as well. Using a paint primer will help reduce the amount of paint coats you will need on your plastic bottle.
Step 5
For the final touches draw on scars with a permanent marker and add some tissue paper as the bed for the candy in Frankenstein’s mouth. Your Halloween candy holder is now ready for use. Use any candy you like for Halloween parties with friends but be sure to use wrapped candy for use for trick and treaters. Have a great Halloween!