Kiss your dark locks good bye!
Alright so here's the deal.
I have dark black hair. Like jet jet black.
Now some of you may like that, and some of you may not.
I for one did not! I was tired of trying on countless dye and harsh chemicals in my hair only to get my locks red. Eww. So i whipped up this secret from "the old country" and this is what happened...
Ps. none of these pictures are mine, credits to whomever they belong to :)
autumnrose.lee favorited Hair Lightener Thing 11 Mar 10:15
You Will Need
Step 1
Alright so you have dark hair?
Or maybe you're a blond who wants summer highlights.
Or maybe you're a cute redhead wishing for some strawberry colour on your head
Or maybe you're like me. and you just want natural light brown highlights in your dark hairThis is what you do.
Go to your local dollar store
Step 2
Once there ask the nice lady/man who works there for a bottle of
Hydrogen PeroxideIf your dollar store is like mine, they'll only carry 3%
It's alright if they carry a higher percentage however be warned i haven't tried a higher percentage and i wouldn't risk it with anything higher because 3% is definitely enough...
Step 8
VOILA! All done.
The peroxide doesn't leave any residue or smell, it actually just smells like the shampoo you may have used this morning...
(if you didn't shampoo or shower then SHAME ON YOU) -
Step 9
TIPS & Warnings!
- Depending on the type of hair you have your locks may be dry for a bit form the SUN so, whip out some olive out & oil your hair
-Olive oil naturally lightens your locks too :)
- Please try and refrain from higher percentages of peroxide, 3% really works well, if for somereaosn you can get a hold of 3% then dilute it with water
- You dont NEED the sun to lighten it, just the peroxide alone will do, but for highlights you want the sun, and quite a bit of it
-If you want just some light highlights, spray your brush & brush your hair through with it
-Hydrogen P breaks down in light so please remember to only take out as much as you need & close the cap quickly!
-Make sure you get not only the top side of your hair but UNDER it too brush under & OVER
-Use a bit at a time, it goes a LOONGG WAY
- I did this treatment 3 times in a row and it worked really well :) I now have desired color that L'oreal couldn't give me, so try it out!
This didn't damage my hair at all,
it didn't make my hair smell like chemicals at all.
i'm happy with this
I have dyed black hair (very very very dark brown) will this work to lighten it because im sick of the black?
Its winter here, what can I do intead of sitting in the sun?
It doesn't dry the hair out if you stay inside the house
and if you go in the sun, just oil it afterwards with olive oil or any other hair oil you may have for about 30 mins & wash off.
My hair was NOT damaged, but i have very strong Pakistani hair ;) so the results vary its MUCH safer than the store bought ones