How to make the lolita eyepatch you have always dreamed of! ^.^ <3
For my costume, I wanted a lolita eyepatch. However, no one had put an how-to for making it, so with a lot of pictures, imagination and help from my grandmother (you are the best, grandma!), I've been able to make this marvelous eyepatch!^-^
P.S.: If you are asking yourself how to wear it under you hear,don't worry, it's very easy. You just put your eyepatch over your hair, take the hair off your elastics and Voilà!
Kelsey R. favorited Guro Lolita Eyepatch 03 Dec 23:27
xbunny.chanx favorited Guro Lolita Eyepatch 15 Jun 23:45
Kimberly B. favorited Guro Lolita Eyepatch 27 Oct 21:00
Dona Monstra favorited Guro Lolita Eyepatch 21 Jun 02:26
kaylabeth1297 favorited Guro Lolita Eyepatch 21 Mar 03:58
Mad H. added Guro Lolita Eyepatch to Masks and Eyepatches 03 Mar 13:37
- Mariah A. favorited Guro Lolita Eyepatch 25 Jan 01:58
ShoujoMadness favorited Guro Lolita Eyepatch 11 Jan 09:34
xxxKittycorexxx added Guro Lolita Eyepatch to To-make list 21 Dec 03:17
xxxKittycorexxx favorited Guro Lolita Eyepatch 21 Dec 03:17
Step 2
Fold the edges of one square as shown on the picture. cut your elastic in half. check if th elastic is not to tight on your head, or your eyepatch will squeeze your face and there will be an ugly bump(check on the pictures how it squeezes my face. It is a bad mistake to make). then, stich the ends of the elastics on the fabric like shown.