For the cold days on Hogwarts
This was my christmas gift for my sister.
It is 180 cm long plus the fringe, starting in first row with 21 stiches. I used a pair of 5mm knitting needles. It toke me like 3 weeks to make it, but an hour a day or so....so if you work all day, i say you could make it in a weekend.
If you want a How to, let me know :)
Sarah I. favorited Gryffindor Scarf 24 Nov 13:11
Roughwaters44 favorited Gryffindor Scarf 24 Feb 04:09
Niki W. favorited Gryffindor Scarf 11 Feb 01:12
Theara A. favorited Gryffindor Scarf 26 Jan 19:36
Claire M. favorited Gryffindor Scarf 02 Aug 19:41
Mikaela_Cordero favorited Gryffindor Scarf 02 Aug 06:16
Jess H. favorited Gryffindor Scarf 01 Aug 01:55
flor.delgadorizzi favorited Gryffindor Scarf 22 May 17:22
Caaryn S. added Gryffindor Scarf to Harry Potter 10 Mar 02:00
Caaryn S. favorited Gryffindor Scarf 09 Mar 18:40
You Will Need
Lufe Soto posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Lindsey R.
Ooh! I would love a "how to" please ;)

Krista B.
Hydesville, California, US
44 projects
that's cool.