A skirt that bubbles out around the hip area and still looks fitted.
I love this skirt because it is like a pencil skirt in that it appears form fitting, but it only actually fits at the bottom hem and at the waist band. the rest sort of bubbles out because of the outward pleats at the top.
Ashley C. added Grey Pleated Bubbly Skirt to to do 20 Aug 21:34
Ashley C. favorited Grey Pleated Bubbly Skirt 20 Aug 21:33
Alezita G. favorited Grey Pleated Bubbly Skirt 07 Feb 05:56
Maraea H. added Grey Pleated Bubbly Skirt to stuff to make 03 Feb 20:27
Maraea H. favorited Grey Pleated Bubbly Skirt 03 Feb 20:27
Amber K. added Grey Pleated Bubbly Skirt to Make 03 Dec 20:35
Amber K. added Grey Pleated Bubbly Skirt to Make 03 Dec 20:35
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Rachel's Craft Channel posted this project as a creation without steps
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