How I chose to celebrate National Coffee Day
This is a surprisingly involved and precise procedure, which I guess makes sense considering the tools that you use to make it. You need to have your coffee grounds prepared for you most likely, unless you own an industrial coffee grinder that can grind Turkish coffee. The way it was described to me you need to be able to inhale the coffee grounds, they need to be that fine. Starbucks will actually do this for you if you don’t have any other options, such as a grocery store with a bulk coffee section and a grinder you can use. You will also need a specialty pot known as a briki. Other than that it’s only water, sugar and heat.
Emma H. favorited Greek Coffee 23 Oct 21:51
You Will Need
Step 3
What you’re looking for are those small bubbles and you have to be very careful not to lose them. You don’t want to allow the coffee to come to a full boil or you will lose the foam, but you do want these tiny bubbles so if you’re using electric heat that take it off the heat immediately and allow it to cool for a minute then you can put it back on and create more foam. You can do this up to six times to achieve ideal foam-age. Serve however you see fit.
For more info: https://theyearlingblog.wordpress.com/2015/09/29/day-272-greek-coffee-national-coffee-day/