Wallet #2 made from the almighty duct tape!
I used the Graffiti duct tape to make the basic wallet and used the purple duct tape as a border outlining the wallet.
Krista B. commented on Graffiti Duct Tape Wallet 09 Feb 07:43
Shawntay A. replied to a comment on her project Graffiti Duct Tape Wallet 27 Jan 22:08
Krista B. added Graffiti Duct Tape Wallet to Post my version 21 Jan 04:55
Krista B. commented on Graffiti Duct Tape Wallet 21 Jan 04:54
Krista B. commented on Graffiti Duct Tape Wallet 21 Jan 04:54
Shawntay A. entered her project Graffiti Duct Tape Wallet to Secret Santa 22 Dec 09:05
CazSteele favorited Graffiti Duct Tape Wallet 19 Dec 09:13
You Will Need
Shawntay A. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Krista B.
Hydesville, California, US
44 projects
I definitely love the purple.

Krista B.
Hydesville, California, US
44 projects
This one too! I haven't thought of something to make with it yet..... although i saw a table covered in duct tape on here....hmm

Shawntay A.
Yuba City, California, US
15 projects
A table covered it duct tape would be really cool! I couldn't decide between a light blue duct tape or this purple one. I think the purple was the correct choice.

Krista B.
Hydesville, California, US
44 projects
This one too! I haven't thought of something to make with it yet..... although i saw a table covered in duct tape on here....hmm