For the man with an unrequited love for golf
This was a creation for my dad's birthday. The cake and icing were from scratch. It is peanut butter-buttercream icing on a peanut butter cake. The icing came out tasting like peanut butter fudge. The recipe for the cake was a bit involved. It was made like a chiffon cake to avoid being too heavy.
Emperesss posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Shawinigan, Quebec, CA
64 projects
Really cool cake!

Lexington, Kentucky, US
4 projects
Mom found that at the grocery store. The fun part was the food coloring spray paint.

Beauty in Bedlam
Lexington, Kentucky, US
2 projects
Haha, I hadn't seen this before! Where did you find the teeny golf cart?