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My friend has an hp obsession so why not help feed that obsession? Her birthday is coming up so I thought I'd make her a golden snitch necklace. Although I admit the wings remind me more of Cardcaptor Sakura than they do of Harry Potter, I think she'll still like it.
Key West Witch added Golden Snitch Necklace to Jewelry 30 Jun 03:31
You Will Need
Step 1
Make a gold beaded ball. I used the tutorial for the large bead ball from this website:
It took me a little while.
Step 2
Decide the shape that you want the wings to be. For example, if you want more manly looking wings, your might want to make it more spiky and less swirly.
Step 3
Make your wings with the wire, spend time to make sure that both wings are the same size and shape (I had some problems achieving this).
Step 4
Twirl up the ends of the wings and attach them to your beaded ball. I guess as long as your wings or stuck on, it doesn't really matter how you did that.
Step 5
Attach the chain to the wings and wear your prize proudly :)