made from kids plastic toys
You can turn almost anything into a quirky fridge magnet with this method!
- khaosinkinema favorited Golden Dinosaur Fridge Magnets 17 Sep 14:42
- Angela I. favorited Golden Dinosaur Fridge Magnets 30 Nov 01:05
- gleyse s. favorited Golden Dinosaur Fridge Magnets 25 Jan 14:08
- Alex B. favorited Golden Dinosaur Fridge Magnets 15 Jan 02:41
- Polina B. favorited Golden Dinosaur Fridge Magnets 04 Jan 17:48
- Marci F. favorited Golden Dinosaur Fridge Magnets 30 Dec 07:10
- ZombieUnicorn favorited Golden Dinosaur Fridge Magnets 25 Dec 16:00
- Cat Morley commented on Golden Dinosaur Fridge Magnets 22 Dec 15:07
- Lara W. favorited Golden Dinosaur Fridge Magnets 21 Dec 19:34
- shelly.anderson.547 added Golden Dinosaur Fridge Magnets to Gift Ideas 15 Dec 06:43
Step 1
Cut your plastic toys in half. Make sure they are not too long or they may overbalance and fall off the fridge.
Step 2
Stuff the inside with paperclay and let it dry
Step 3
Paint them gold. If you use a spray can it might not dry due to the type of plastic (this happened to me).
Step 4
Once the paint is dry, glue a magnet on the back and you're ready to go!
Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
These look awesome!