Make your own highlighter bottles that will glow in blacklight!
Very simple and easy project to make.
Key West Witch favorited Glowing Highlighter Bottles 08 Aug 08:06
You Will Need
Step 1
First you're going to need a Yellow highlighter,(only yellow will work,atleast from what I've tried). I don't recommend the one with liquid because that can be messy, but I've never tried it so I can't say.
Get gloves and take out the back or bottom of the highlighter, it might be a little hard to pull out, I just use my teeth :p
Step 2
Next you need to get the ink out, so turn the highlighter upside and shake it a bit and it should come out. If you can't get it out I guess you could use tweezers or something else to pull it out. It will look like this except yellow. Then take it to the sink, and put one end in the bottle and one where water is pouring through it, and squeeze it so the ink will go into the bottle. I recommend using the whole highlighter, or you can use half for a small bottle. Do this until it is white so you know you got all of the ink.
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