Happy Hunger Games!
So, the reason I spent almost three hours painting my nails is because (1) it was a lot of layers, (2) it didn't want to practise for my math midterm, and (3) I'm not very good at nailart (translation: I removed it all and tried again several times...) If anyone else ever tries this they'll probably do it faster. Anyway, I'm in a bit of a Hunger Games mood right now, so I decided to make some fiery nailart. I hope you understand the How To, even though I lack some pictures.
-May the odds be ever in your favor...
Sunny entered her project Girl On Fire Nailart to She Said Beauty 22 Nov 22:35
Jaybird favorited Girl On Fire Nailart 02 Aug 20:19
Step 1
Clean and/or remove any old nailpolish. Apply a black coat of nailpolish on all your nails. It doesn't have to be perfect near the cuticle(or whatever it's called) because we'll paint over there later. Wait until it's dry...
Step 2
Now comes the harder part, the flames. You can find a picture of flames for inspiration or just try painting on a strip of paper in the beginning.
Step 3
Start with your thumb, wich is bigger and easier to begin with. Apply red nailpolish at the base of the nail until you've covered almost half the nail. Then try painting on the "arms". Use a toothpick(or some fancy nailart equipment which I don't have) and alternate between the red and the black nailpolish until your satisfied. Repeat on all your fingernails. I have 5 "arms" on my thumbnails, 3 "arms" on the pinkies, and 4 on the rest.
Step 4
When it's dry add a small amount of gold glitter nailpolish at the flames to make them look a little more real. If you have yellow or orange nailpolish (which I don't) you can add that insted.
Step 5
Finally add a top coat of clear nailpolish to make them last longer!
Now you'll (hopefully) have fiery nails like me and Katniss, and probably some other Hunger Games-fans :)