A giant stripy floor cushion
I made this giant cushion to use on the floor but it will look brilliant anywhere!
I used satin for the front of the cushion & a strong linen for the back of the cushion, so that it would be hard-wearing on the floor.
This is my first attempt at a how-to, so I hope it makes sense x
Step 1
The first thing you need to do is buy yourself a cushion inner. I wanted a large cushion, so I bought 1 measuring 24 inches.
Step 2
I then made myself a pattern. This was a square measuring 22 inches. I made it a bit smaller than the cushion so that the cushion would be nice & pouffy.
Step 3
The next step is to cut the satin into strips. I wanted a contrast between my stripes so I cut half of the stripes at 3/4 inch wide and half at 1 1/2 inches wide. The cushion would look just as nice if you cut all your stripes the same width though.
Step 4
I then lay the strips of satin over the paper pattern and cut them to size to get a rough square shape. I left a 2 inch seam allowance at the ends of the stripes for a bit of give.
Step 5
The next step is to sew all the stripes together to form one big square of fabric.
Step 6
I then cut out 2 squares in the heavy linen using my pattern. I used a 2 inch seam allowance.
Step 7
I then hand tacked the satin striped fabric onto 1 of the linen squares.
Step 8
Next you will need to sew both sides of the cushion together. The best way is to put the 2 pieces right side to right side and then sew around 3 of the sides.
Step 9
The final step is to put a zip into the final side of the cushion.