turn old silverware into garden markers using metal letter stamps
A couple of summers ago we planted my first herb garden. I was so excited to grow and use my own herbs, and decorate my little space. I thought the best spot would be right off the back porch, since the door leads to the kitchen. We had some flowers growing there that we transplanted and planted away. Most of the herbs were organic seedlings that I purchased at a local nursery but a couple I planted by seed (they are the ones in the pots). The herb garden contains rosemary, lemon thyme, sage, oregano, lavender, chives, dill, scallions, flat leaf parsley, and two varieties of basil. I thought it would be fun to make my own garden markers using old silverware. I saw the idea in a Country Living Magazine a couple years ago. My mother in law bought me some really cool silverware at antique shops.
Kiwigurl added Garden Markers From Antique Silverware to The Spoon Thing 21 May 12:32
Kiwigurl favorited Garden Markers From Antique Silverware 21 May 12:32
su l. favorited Garden Markers From Antique Silverware 05 Mar 13:02
Xfluffy_unitatoX favorited Garden Markers From Antique Silverware 17 Nov 22:33
Kay Bay favorited Garden Markers From Antique Silverware 16 Aug 12:24
Cyndi C. favorited Garden Markers From Antique Silverware 13 Jul 14:56
- Xx13.CrowsxX added Garden Markers From Antique Silverware to Idea 08 Jun 20:49
Bencaz favorited Garden Markers From Antique Silverware 21 Jul 20:00
Sveta favorited Garden Markers From Antique Silverware 18 Aug 03:10
rachel.brennan.31924 added Garden Markers From Antique Silverware to Garden 13 Aug 04:15
Step 4
Next stamp your letters on the surface of the utensil. I used 1/8" size metal stamps, purchased from Harbor Freight. They are fairly inexpensive. Make sure you hammer the stamps on a hard surface (concrete). We used a concrete block. Do NOT use your kitchen counter or floor, the stamps will not get a deep enough indent if the surface is not hard enough underneath. It can be really hard to line those little letters up perfectly, so practice on a piece of silverware you do not mind giving to the cause. And if they are not perfect, that is okay, it adds to the rustic charm, don't you think?