Hama bead fun
We needed a toothbrush holder so I took some fuse beads and made this great little monkey toothbrush holder.
- Charmaine B. favorited Fuse Bead Toothbrush Holder 18 Dec 18:19
- jen s. favorited Fuse Bead Toothbrush Holder 06 Oct 11:47
- Mai added Fuse Bead Toothbrush Holder to House Stuffs 20 Jan 04:31
- Mai added Fuse Bead Toothbrush Holder to House Stuffs 20 Jan 04:31
You Will Need
Step 1
First you need to gather your supplies and find a good work area.
Step 2
Then you want to take your square pegboard and make four squares in whatever color combo you want.
Step 3
Once you have all your squares you then want to get your monkey pegboard (or you can freehand a monkey) and create him.
Step 4
Now here is the construction part. take one square and lay it flat (this will be your bottom), take another square and put some hot glue on the bottom of it and press it to the side of the bottom square. Hold it for a few seconds so it can dry.
Step 5
Then you want to take the two next squares and repeat step 4. Once you have all of on and the glue is dried you are now ready to put the monkey on.
Step 6
For the monkey what I did was I held it up to the open part to see where he would fit. Then I added some glue on the parts where he touched the squared. That way made it less messy and less confusing on where to put the glue.
Step 7
Now you have a fun monkey holder.