Based on Fullmetal Alchemist Amigurumi by Crafty Dork
Well, I decided to make thine own Ed-chan! >w< He's sooo cute! I wuvs him, but sadly he belongs to Roy.
- Erin W. favorited Fullmetal Alchemist Amigurumi 24 Oct 18:20
- Brie W. entered her project Fullmetal Alchemist Amigurumi to Pogo Connect 02 May 11:05
- Brie W. entered her project Fullmetal Alchemist Amigurumi to Jump From Paper 22 Jan 00:18
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Brie W. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Suki Chan
Edgewood, Maryland, US
8 projects
I hope you know that you are my new best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am the biggest Ed fan YOU WILL EVER MEET