Always be with them
I made this for my boyfriend(now just friends), so that i could always be with him. but i never got to give it to him. I chose red beads representing love, but other colors mean other things.You can make it mean different things by just changing the color of the beads.
D'Juana P. added Friendship Bracelet to Bracelets 18 Apr 10:54
D'Juana P. favorited Friendship Bracelet 18 Apr 10:54
Crystal W. favorited Friendship Bracelet 03 May 05:48
Step 1
------------Color Meanings----------
BLACK:power,elegance,formality,death,evil,mystery -
Step 2
Tie cord of at one end. Plat cord about a forth of length.
Step 3
Thread desired colored bead onto the center piece of cord. Plat a few cm of cord after bead. Continue this process until there is one forth of cord left.
Step 4
Plat last fourth of cord adding no beads, and tie of end. The first and last fourth of of cord is so you can tie bracelet around wrist
Step 5
And................... TA-DAA!!!!!!!!!
Now give bracelet to the person you made it for and now they have a piece of you forever.
PS: You can spray bracelet with a sent you wear to remind recipient even more of you!