Hanging Hearts
- Pattern_B1.eps 1.32 MB [ Download ]
Key West Witch favorited Flying The Flag 12 Sep 09:04
You Will Need
Step 1
Fold the denim/dark blue fabric in half, right sides together, and pin on pattern piece B. Cut out.
Step 2
Take one of the denim hearts and pin a strip of cream fabric diagonally across the heart. Sew it in place down each side of the strip approximately 5mm (¼in) from the edge. Backstitch at the beginning and end of the stitch line. Fray the long edges slightly. Repeat with a second strip of cream fabric placed on the other diagonal.
Step 5
Change back to red thread again and sew the remaining strips of red fabric to the cream strips, as in step 3.
Step 6
Take the remaining blue heart and place the two heart shapes right sides together. Pin together and sew with a 1cm (½in) seam allowance, leaving a 5cm (2in) gap on one straight side for turning through. Clip the curves and point of the heart. Turn through. Gently roll the seams between your fingers to improve the shape and stuff the heart with small pieces of stuffing.
Step 7
Hand sew the opening closed with small stitches. Trim any loose threads. Make a loop with the length of ribbon and sew it in place, adding a mother-of-pearl button on top of the stitches.