Based on Flying Heart Keyholder by Jet H.
This is my bigest heart earring, (2,8 inches by 2 inches or 6,5 cm by 5,5 cm.)
the first one i had made. its so light so i haven't problems with rips of ears.LOL
Its a taught one, not kitschy or romantic. It has a few embroidery stiches as a fake patch.
It stands all the bad wether conditions so far, Its red because its my fave colour. When i had sew this heart and filled it up i sew the side of this shape with the sewing machine and make with a thick cotton yarn the embroidery stiches. Then i used the wood glue.
the time is without drying time.
Of course you can use other shapes as well with this methode. The heart shape is my fave its my tags or brand.LOL
I hope you like it and feel fry to ask for a tute or other questions.. But for all, have a fun!
Bloop234 favorited Tough Big Heart 06 Nov 23:25
Jet H. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!