Make quick and easy applique coasters for yourself or a friend!
Materials (4 coasters)
• fourteen5"squaresof assorted fabrics for the front of the coasters
• four5"squaresofmuslin for backing
• four6"squaresofbatting
• paper-backedfusibleweb
• tear-awaystabilizer
• assortedcolorfulthreadfor applique and quilting
- Flower_Coasters.pdf 409 KB [ Download ]
- Ellen R. favorited Flower Coasters 01 Sep 16:25
- Miss_Fit favorited Flower Coasters 09 Jul 01:32
- Caron K. added Flower Coasters to Charm Pack Creations 23 Dec 08:01
- Caron K. added Flower Coasters to Sewing4Home 23 Dec 08:01
- pandanomz added Flower Coasters to my list 08 Sep 14:47
- margo.robinson3 added Flower Coasters to Sewing 03 Aug 17:32
- ajenne w. added Flower Coasters to kitchen 16 Jul 03:53
- ajenne w. favorited Flower Coasters 15 Jul 22:43
- sweetstuffbymisty favorited Flower Coasters 13 Jul 19:32
- Cristina B. favorited Flower Coasters 27 May 22:16
You Will Need
Step 1
Use a 1/4" seam allowance unless otherwise noted.
1. Select four of the 5" square patterned fabrics to use as backgrounds for the applique.
Set aside.
2. Select four more of the 5" squares for your edging around the coasters. They don't have to match - it is more fun to make each coaster different! Cut each of these four squares into four 7/8" x 5" strips. Trim two strips from each set to 7/8" x 4-1/4". Set aside.
3. The six remaining squares will be used for your applique. Trace flower shapes using the pattern on page 4 onto paper-backed fusible web. (Trace the flower centers and details separately if you would like to select contrasting fabrics for those pieces.) Iron fusible web to the WRONG SIDE of the as- sorted fabric. Remove paper and fuse ap- plique to the 5" square backgrounds. Back with stabilizer and satin stitch or buttonhole stitch around the edges of the applique.
4. Trim your flower squares to 4-1/4" x 4-1/4".
5. Sew your 7/8" x 4-1/4" strips onto opposite sides of each flower square. Press. Sew the 7/8" x 5" strips onto the remaining sides. Press.
6. Lay batting squares on your table. Place your muslin on top. Finally, place your coaster RIGHT SIDE DOWN on top of the muslin.
7. Stitch around the edge of the coasters using a 3/16" seam allowance, leaving a gap for turning. Trim the batting to the edges of the fabric.
8. Turn coasters right side out. Press. Slip- stitch opening. Stitch "in the ditch" all the way around the coaster border. Quilt as de- sired. (I love handquilting in pearl cotton on these coasters, but you can machine quilt as well. It is an excellent opportunity to try new quilting techniques.)
9. Pour yourself a glass of raspberry lemonade and enjoy your coasters!