Too excited for summer!
I was going to make this project my first How-to but honestly I had no idea what I was doing. They turned out okay with a whole lot of trial and error... and this fabric is a little too fragile. Anyway... I won't give up! I'm going to try different versions until I get it right, and then I'll think about posting a tutorial... because bloomers are insanely adorable.
- Sveta favorited Floral Bloomers 12 Jun 06:16
- Sam A. added Floral Bloomers to Summer fashion to-make 02 Jan 22:32
- sam.apel.9 added Floral Bloomers to Clothing 12 Dec 16:25
- Irrah A. favorited Floral Bloomers 02 Sep 17:48
You Will Need
posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
i'd love to see a how-to! <3
so.. *puppy eyes* a how-to pleeeeeease?