Make Homemade Floating candle
Why make the same old boring "mold" candles when you can create custom floating flower candles. Using only paraffin wax, colored crayons, and your imagination, you can have beautiful candles that you can use yourself or give away as special gifts.
Visit http://rajiscrafthobby.blogspot.in/2017/01/floating-flower-candles-without-mould.html
Key West Witch favorited Floating Flower Candles Without Mold 12 May 14:58
Rachel B. added Floating Flower Candles Without Mold to DIY or Homemade Crafting Supplies 10 May 03:39
Rachel Y. favorited Floating Flower Candles Without Mold 09 May 20:12
Lola P. favorited Floating Flower Candles Without Mold 07 May 22:03
Crafterella featured Floating Flower Candles Without Mold 28 Apr 23:00
Alissa B. favorited Floating Flower Candles Without Mold 20 Apr 01:39
rajiscrafthobby published her project Floating Flower Candles Without Mold 16 Apr 18:36